Mom & Mancub
About Us:
Mom (a nurse) & Dad (a really) had 8 fun & healthy children. Little did we all know, their grandchildren would end up with a myriad of genetic issues. Good thing they prepared their children to handle medical issues with unconditional love and humor.
One granddaughter was diagnosed T1D at 5 years old. She has fought every battle and has kept her quirky sense of humor along the way.
Our line of diabetic products started when she requested a tshirt with a specific saying. As people found us and bought our products, they started requesting special designs and accessories. That has led us on an completely unexpected and much loved journey.
What began as a tribute to one of our favorite people has become a treasure of stories and relationships with wonderful members of an amazing community. We cherish each connection and are honored to serve your warrior!
Thanks for letting us be a small part of your lives!
Mom & Mancub