Type 1 Diabetes NFC Medical Alert

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People with type 1 diabetes know how scary a bad hypoglycemia episode can be, and how dangerous as well as how difficult to function when your running low.

Our NFC Medical alert tags can be on your keychain,  purse, back pack or where else .

Customizable by you, you can have your name, emergency contact or care instructions embedded so when you are incapacitated, you can still convey the help you need

Use the Special Order Instructions / notes section during checkout to leave the information you want programmed to the tag or email us at bellstrongt1d@gmail.com .


Due to IOS's technical limitations, only actions like calling a phone number or opening an app is natively supported. To see texts, instructions or the like, as shown in the sample photo, a 3rd party NFC reader is needed from the app store. You can use something like this to allow iphones to read all the data contained in the chip:


This does not apply to Android phones. Screenshot of the nfc data was taken on an s23 ultra.

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